Rascal & Rangers

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rascal & rangers

Card Type

Here you can see who is on whose side: Rangers, Rascals, or even Amazonian Wildlife!

Character Stats

Each character has their own set of stats, Choose your stat wisely before the combat round!

Character & Name

Play with all the tabatinga characters, as well as some Amazonian animals!


Rascals 7 Rangers all have their own special abilities! They activate when the card is revealed. For Wildlife cards, you get a fun fact instead!

how to play

The Rascals are attacking! We must defend the rainforest!
Rascals and Rangers is a 2 player co-op game where you play as the Tabatinga Rangers. You must team up and battle one of the Rascals to defend the forest!

Separating the cards into piles of their type, Ranger, Rascal, and Wildlife.

Each player chooses 1 Ranger card as their Leader card and must place it face down in front of them.

Choose 1 Rascal card as the Leader card that the game controls, and place it face down.

Shuffle the Wildlife cards whilst face down, and deal them out equally on top of each Leader card.

Shuffle each new pile individually, keeping them face down.


how to get cards

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